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Surviving Summer- Shed the Mom Guilt and Enjoy your Kids!

I've heard it many times over the years; "Summer is coming! What the heck do I do with my kids?!" Not always-there are plenty of moms who love having their kids home, but even they want new ideas on how to fill the long days. Ways to get the kids off devices, learn together and no get on each others nerves. As a homeschool mom, I wonder about these things every day, not just in the summer. So I thought I'd share with you four things we do in our home-no matter the season-that have brought joy into our home and brought us closer together. My children are 5, 3 and 15 months. Take these ideas if you like them and form them to your family and kids ages! 1. Morning Time. In a nutshell this is gathering everyone together at the start of the day to study beautiful things such as scripture, art, poetry, nature, music, reading aloud, before the day gets crazy and everyone does their own thing. "Morning" time can be done any time of day, and for as long as you'

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